Thank you so much for your year-end gifts— no matter how small, they are going to help us take more ground for the Kingdom over the next 12 months! We’re jumping right into 2024 excited to share a story with you from an event at Folsom Prison in California that took place last month.Our amazing partner Bayside Church and team had an amazing time with the men in the unit, even blessing them with Chik-Fil-A and some quality fellowship. About 135 people showed up to listen to a message, praise God together, and about 20 new people who had never even attended service before joined as well! Bayside reports that 20 men also raised their hands to accept Jesus for the first time. Praise God!
We’re so glad you’re here with us through all that this year will bring!
The incarcerated men were so excited by what he had to share!
There has never been a greater urgency to reach men and women behind bars. The cycle of generational incarceration is massive, but together we get to do something about it. Whether you choose to give once or monthly, know that your donation is not only helping here on earth, but is changing eternities forever.