Revival is happening in this Nevada prison

It was amazing watching God move on this night!

We just saw one of the most amazing baptism events we’ve seen in prison. Our special guest speaker Jenny Allen came with us to a women’s prison in Nevada to share hope, healing, and Jesus’s love with the ladies. Women were weeping from the very beginning, hands raised in worship, and praising God! They knew life change was happening! Then, Jenny offered an altar call and 130 women accepted Jesus into their lives… and when we invited anyone who wished to be baptized to line up, practically the ENTIRE group of them–110– got in line!

We baptized women who were crying happy tears, letting go of years of weight, confessing their sin, singing praises, and even one woman in a wheelchair who couldn’t get into the pool, so we poured water over her head! It was such a beautiful move of God. These women are on fire for the Lord, and their lives will never be the same!

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